Graphic Design Thinks – Types and Features

A design is actually a blueprint or description of an arrangement or structure or for the implementations of some specific act or procedure, or the outcome of that blueprint or description in the shape of some physical product, machine or process. Thus, the verb to design normally refers to the process of designing. It may also mean the act of drawing up or preparing a design, etc., or the combination of the two. Designing refers to the process or act of establishing the practical details or formulating a model or pattern for something. Thus, the verb is usually used in a more generalized sense and refers to the determination of the logical order of actions required for a certain end or objective.


It is not an easy task to describe what a good design really is. It differs from one person to another, organization to another, field to field, culture to culture, technology to technology, etc. However, many general observations can be made which are applicable to all kinds of designs, and even to all kinds of people who use them as they apply to the creative process. To better illustrate the differences between good design and bad, let us take some examples.

Good design thinking starts with the knowledge of types and features that can be useful. It looks for the ways in which these types and features can be utilized to achieve the best results. Good design also considers how people interact and adapt to their environment. It applies concepts like the three-dimensional human figure and the perspective. The main idea is that people are visual beings and need to see things around them, both near and far, in three dimensions. Design thinking is very important in industrial design and graphic design because these are two different types of work processes and involve different methods of expressing and constructing information.