Luxury Branding

Luxury goods are those items that the majority of people find expensive to buy. In economics, a luxury product is one that has a high fixed cost and whose prices increase proportionately to the income of the buyer, so that expenses on the item become a larger percentage of overall income. Luxury goods tend to be highly desirable and people who can afford them tend to want others to have them. Thus luxury goods tend to be traded for high prices, which forces the market participants to offer large discounts to gain customers. The increased supply also drives down the price of luxury goods and this process has led to many retail products being sold at high margins.


The Internet has opened up a lot of new opportunities in the luxury sector, particularly for small and start-up brands. New businesses can take advantage of the low overheads that Internet marketing professionals have and start selling their products through online marketing and selling venues such as eBay. The Internet also provides a great forum for brand marketing professionals to showcase their brands to the masses, offering them an opportunity to talk to potential customers face to face. Luxury brands need to invest time and money in their brand images and promotion, however, if they want to sell their products at a premium price – then it is clearly important to use the Internet and other marketing venues to spread the word about their brands.

Luxury brands have traditionally been associated with high prices for something that is good value for money, but new technologies and the Internet have allowed luxury brands to start selling their products at other price points to capture a larger share of the luxury market. By doing this, the brand value of the brand can increase, and its true value decrease, meaning that the item is still relatively good value for money. Internet marketing professionals can help luxury brands to sell their products across different price points by creating a well-designed website, using effective search engine optimization techniques and using social media marketing strategies to spread the word about their brands. In addition, Internet marketing professionals can also utilise data tracking tools to monitor the interest in particular luxury brands, which could potentially help them to identify new trends and areas of opportunity to capitalise on.

Design As a Human Activity

A design is essentially a blueprint or map for the arrangement or creation of an object or machine or even for the performance of an action or procedure, or the end result of which blueprint or map is produced. In the context of the example given, the verb to design normally means ‘to produce.’ The singular verb to make literally means ‘to shape (something).’ Thus the verb to design gives us the ability to transform a thing into something else, to shape something through physical interaction, by way of the use of our hands, etc., in order to create something tangible and operative.


In a great many fields, the definition of ‘design’ involves the expression of intent, as it occurs in the planning of the making of something, the determination of its attributes, the collection of information needed for its construction and the decision as to the methods by which it will be made, whether through manual work, the use of machines or electronic instruments. Design is thus involved in all the various aspects of human activity in so far as the making of things is concerned. In the design process, designers are engaged in determining the effect that their creative activity will have on the environment through the procedures of construction, creation, operation, use, and disposal. In relation to these processes, designers are regarded as the ones who determine the functional value of their output, their viability as a useful and sustainable object to serve its intended purposes, and their suitability for specific situations. Designers are also involved in the evaluation of potentials for new forms and purposes, in suggesting and refining such forms and purposes, and also in determining the most economical, durable and resistant materials capable of serving the ends they have been designed for.

The term ‘design’ is therefore generally used to refer to a creative process and to refer to a set of related activities that designers undertake in the course of their activity. However, the term also denotes an objective set of standards by which a designer determines the most appropriate means by which his or her ideas and creative efforts may be employed as part of the creation, construction, operation, maintenance and disposal of a product. To ascertain the significance and relevance of the term, one must always bear in mind that the identification of the term ‘design’ is necessarily relative to the context into which it is used. In some contexts, the term design would mean a highly formal and very formal process that involves the application of mathematical reasoning and the formulation of complex algorithms; while in other contexts, the term design would mean a highly practical and less formal process that is concerned with the discovery of the most suitable means by which a particular object can be produced, utilized and disposed of. In both cases, the term design would be relative to the specific circumstances into which the designer is put and his or her objectives and rationales for being in a position to perform the task.

The Art Of Architecture

Architectural architecture is the art and the technical process by which building structures or other buildings are constructed and designed. Architectural projects, in the common material form of houses, are usually perceived as artistic works and as visual symbols. The architectural styles that have become popular over the years can be grouped into a number of main sub-genres, depending on the architectural style, its role, and the era during which it was developed. Although some of the styles have become classic and thus timeless, new styles have emerged and become popular over the years. Some of these are listed below.

Pre-capitalism architects were renowned for their innovative designs, which put an emphasis on originality and unconventional structures. Their works included experimental constructions and they were characterized by stylized forms and unusual ornamentation. Futurists are known for their experimentation with form and structure, and they often contributed to the rejection of the classic style. In this movement, architecture is given more importance than aesthetics. Postmodernists on the other hand, consider architecture to have no intrinsic meaning and its use is simply a reaction to certain socio-political conditions.

Urban planners and urban design experts give more significance to the functionality of a building than its aesthetic appearance. In this context, functionality refers to the extent to which a building can be used and whether it fulfills its intended purpose. Many modern architects have contributed towards the development of more sustainable forms of architecture. Some of them are responsible for creating environments that are friendly to nature and friendly to the human health. These incorporate elements such as energy efficiency, sustainable buildings and materials, and low energy consumption through efficient design and utilization of space.

How Luxury Items Is Considered Luxury


How Luxury Items Is Considered Luxury

In economics, a luxury commodity is something that is expensive relative to its income – in this case, the commodity being bought (a luxury item). In economics, a luxury good would be a commodity that is expensive relative to its income – in this case, the commodity being bought (luxury items). So, goods that are not luxury goods are also called luxury goods, but in this example, luxury refers to the increased costs associated with the good being bought. In simple terms, the people who buy the goods are said to be luxury consumers, and the money that they spend on that luxury is said to be their income. The goods and services that are not luxury goods are then considered to be non-luxury goods and services.

This can be used to explain why some people feel entitled to owning expensive items such as yachts or art collections, while others don’t. It is also used to explain why other people feel it is wrong to own shares in a company, because their money will not increase the wealth of the company, and the company’s wealth will decrease. Luxury items are, in a way, very similar to this concept. Luxury items are usually very expensive relative to the income of the people who buy them and so are seen by many to be unnecessary, unless they are very expensive and rare.

If we look at luxury items from a more global perspective, luxury goods can be seen as something that is considered a luxury by almost any nationality and culture. Luxury items tend to be very exclusive, very rare and hard to obtain. So, when an item is considered a luxury, usually that item becomes very valuable, and its price is usually greater than its price when new. This increased value adds to the wealth of the person who owns it, making it something that becomes a status symbol for the people who own it and by extension, an investment opportunity for the investors who are looking for safe investments.

Why Is Design Important in a Brochure?


Why Is Design Important in a Brochure?

The design process can be overwhelming for people who are new to this field, so hiring the right company to help you get started is a must. The design of your product has a lot to do with whether or not you will sell or not, so you need to focus on that first. A good company will help you determine the look and feel of your product so you can have an easy time convincing potential customers that it is what they want.

When it comes to deciding how to design your brochure, you will have to decide between portrait and landscape. Portrait is best for people who like to sit down and relax with a book or newspaper. Landscape is more professional and is a good idea if you want to make a strong impression on people in business meetings or exhibits. Your brochure should tell people what your product does and where it does it. This will help them picture the experience they will have after using it. If you give them the opportunity to contact you before they buy, they are more likely to take the time to see what your product can do for them.

Another thing to keep in mind in the design phase of your brochure is the readability. People need to be able to understand what it is you are trying to say without having to take the brochure down. Look for fonts that are legible, and that will allow your text to stand out against the background color of your picture. You should also have a good readability test so you can compare your design with others.

Architecture – The Era of the Futurist

Arch Architecture, architectural designing, and building construction are the result of careful planning, designing, and building the creation of buildings or other structures with the help of an architect engineer. Architectural projects, at the fundamental level, are usually perceived as works of art and as visual symbols. Architectural forms have evolved to such a degree that nowadays, when we speak about ‘architectural architecture’, we refer to buildings and urban structures that are produced by an architect.


The main thesis underlying this article is that the main reason behind Architectural architecture, whether modern, classical or postmodern, is to create spaces which can be perceived and appreciated by the human senses. We cannot deny the fact that architecture has played a very important role in shaping our modern culture, but what we should also be aware of is that architectural forms and designs have evolved due to changes in technological progress. It is quite true that certain ‘modernisms’, like cubicles for instance, paved the way for the other architectural innovations that followed. However, it must be said that there was a major rupture in the architectural field, when the industrial revolution broke the back of the architecture and therefore, the field was left behind in the infancy of the new technological age, when most of the important inventions were developed in the fields of science and medicine.

Modern architects consider their work to be the result of aesthetic tastes, without considering the social, political or ecological aspects of the buildings or urban structures. This is one of the key issues that separated the different branches of architectural study. In this new era of architecture, aesthetics has become almost worthless, because modern architecture has disregarded the role of form in building construction. In fact, modern architects prefer to emphasize the ‘mechanical’ part of architecture, forgetting the importance of form in building design. This approach towards architecture is characterized by extreme reduction of the human element in architecture, while forgetting or ignoring the aesthetic qualities. Despite the fact that there have been several periods and eras in history when architecture was primarily concerned with form, the main factor responsible for the modern transformations of architecture is the influence of the modernism, which dominates in the arts today.

Luxury Goods Market – Is It contracting?


Luxury Goods Market – Is It contracting?

In economics, a luxury product is a good whose demand grows more than proportional to income, so that expenses on the good automatically become a higher percentage of overall earnings. So, when people have money to spend, they will always want and look for luxury items. Luxury items tend to be very special, and it takes a very special person, or perhaps a very rich relative, to afford them.

The second part of this equation is supply. There is less luxury goods market in developed countries than there is in developing countries, and even less in undeveloped countries. So the supply is limited, and demand is high. That means that although consumers in developed countries may be willing to pay more for luxury goods like cars and phones, they are not willing to pay as much as their counterparts in developing countries for the same products.

This leads to the last part of the equation – perceived value. The higher the price of luxury products, the higher the perceived value. If consumers believe they are getting a great product, they will be willing to pay the premium, and there will be enough buyers for the luxury product. The problem comes when consumers perceive value that is much lower than the actual value. If that happens, the luxury market will contract, and the companies manufacturing those products will be unable to survive – at least not without offshore production.

An Overview of Industrial Design

Design is one of the three major branches of engineering; however, the others are architectural engineering, mechanical engineering and chemical engineering. A design is basically a sketch or blueprint of some object or machine or the intended functional result of that sketch or blueprint or the outcome of which sketch or blueprint is produced. In other words, a design is the blueprint of the existing object or some new object designed. Designing is the transformation of any existing object or a new object into an appropriate model or replica of it.


Designing refers to the process of determining a model or replica of an existing object by means of some constructive process, including experimentation, analysis, and experimentation. A design approach may take the form of an inside-out approach, where the designer controls all functional, physical and logical processes while leaving the appearance and behavior to the manufacturer. The outside-in approach involves designing with respect to some particular function or application, where the designer plays only a facilitative role. This approach has been widely used in many industries for manufacturing automation, complex systems and automated process industries.

Today, industrial designers play an important role in every industry including automobiles, aerospace, chemical, electronics, integrated designs, industrial process industries, transportation, medical, textile, furniture, consumer products, apparel and textiles. Industrial designers use a variety of techniques, models, and software to develop, manufacture, install, troubleshoot, and maintain a product. They use structural, design, and construction methods and strategies to solve product design and quality issues. Industrial designers can obtain a degree in industrial design; however, prior learning is necessary for working in the field.

Architectural Design and the Functional Process

Architectural architecture is the product and the process of designing, planning, and building various structures or buildings. Architectural works, traditionally in the form of monuments, are frequently perceived to be artistic works and as visual symbols. They are designed to express a point of view or to provide guidance for the design and construction of a particular structure. The use of architectural plans to create and build a building is called design of structure and construction; this process of design and construction is also referred to as blueprint architecture. It is one of the earliest forms of systematic art found in pre-history.


Architecture was considered to be a branch of aesthetic science. It has both theoretical and practical applications and has often been used to enhance the visual appeal of a site and/or to create a functional facility or to support management processes. In planning and design of buildings and other monuments, architects have used stylized drawings and plans to determine the arrangement and shape of parts, as well as to define the materials to be used and the location of windows, doors, ventilation systems, etc. In some instances, architectural detailing and the selection of materials has led to esthetics rather than functionality. This has become an important area of specialization and debate in architectural schools.

Architecture is usually seen as a form of aesthetic art since it usually reflects the culture and historical periods in which it was built. However, it is also considered a practical application that has social, economic, and environmental impacts. Therefore, it is not only an aesthetic matter but an important area of social science, art, architecture, and engineering. Architecture students learn how to plan and design a building by incorporating multiple disciplines including structural, architectural, composition, electrical, HVAC, and plumbing. Students are taught the fundamentals of architectural principles such as stability, durability, and safety, and learn about sustainability through programs such as sustainable architecture. In addition, they develop the skills needed to become professional planners, designers, and implementors.

Luxury Goods – What Makes Them Luxurious?


Luxury Goods – What Makes Them Luxurious?

Luxury goods are those items of personal and private interest to the buyer that can afford to pay a higher price than other similar items. In economics, a luxury item is an item of great value to which demand increases more quickly than proportional to income, which means that expenses on the item to go up more quickly than income from it. For example, the price of gold has been increasing steadily year after year, but the income it brings in has not been growing at the same rate. In such cases, the price of gold is seen as a luxury good while the more essential things, like food and shelter, are seen as necessities.

Luxury goods can be divided into two broad categories: brand luxury items and brand name luxury items. Brand-name luxury items are luxury brands or lines of products owned by one company, usually a designer or manufacturer who also sells under its own brand name. Examples include Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Apple and Tiffany & Co. These brands command a higher price from the general public than their less famous competitors, because they command a unique position in the market. In most cases, luxury consumers are willing to pay more for these brands than for lesser known brands, especially if they have a high perceived quality.

On the flip side, brands within luxury lines tend to command lower prices than competing brands of the same luxury line. In this case, the consumer’s willingness to pay more may be dependent upon whether or not the brand has been granted a high enough status within the market, and how long its presence within the marketplace has been established. Most luxury consumers are likely to seek out the luxury brands that have been proven to be sustainable and ethical, and they will search for products associated with those companies. If consumers find products that they consider to be good enough within these parameters, they will almost certainly consider them to be luxury items of interest.

Design Thinking Methodology

Designing is a branch of engineering that refers to the arrangement of items so that their performance, effectiveness, and safety are optimized. A design is basically a sketch or blueprint for the erection of a part or an organization, the manifestation of which is the finished product, or the resultant product of that sketch or blueprint. Designing is therefore a branch of civil engineering that deals mainly with the arrangements of physical items. The word ‘design’ can also be applied to ‘planning’, ‘foresight’, or ‘anticipated’.


Designing deals with an assortment of problems like how to organize data, how to record or store it, and how to convert it into a format that the end users will understand. It also involves problem solving, research, analysis, planning and design thinking. Designing incorporates many ideas from art, literature, psychology, cognitive science, engineering and many other areas and is used for improving services and products by soliciting user feedback, coming up with original ideas, testing, counter-testing, and many more. The ability to visualize designs and to create them is called ‘idea formation’. Designing is often used in product development as it enables the designers to consider many issues at a time and come up with feasible solutions.

A number of techniques help us to come up with viable solutions. These include user feedback, conceptual designs, use of software, manufacturing, cost reduction and others. Designing is therefore a dynamic process that involves both research and analysis. Designing can be a very demanding and sometimes time consuming job. Thus, many designers choose to hire professional designers who would be able to take care of all their requirements and provide them with the best possible design thinking methodology.

New Times for Architectural Styles


New Times for Architectural Styles

Arch Architecture is the artistic production and the discipline of designing, planning, and building structures either in the form of houses or other buildings. Architectural projects, in the conventional material form such as homes, can be perceived as visual works and as cultural icons. It was envisaged that architectural plans would not only serve as functional guides but also as a reflection of social, historical, aesthetic, and religious expectations. The resulting architecture has both an aesthetic and a social impact.

Arch Architecture was born in the late nineteenth century when the need to design large buildings arose and architectural experts sought solutions by means of new technical and scientific methods. The most important element of this discipline is the use of complex mathematics, specifically geometry. This helps the architect to determine spatial relationships and designing qualities. One of the most important characteristics of Arch Architecture is the use of stylized designs, characterized by extreme symmetries and geometrical exactness. Although it is an avant-garde approach to architecture, some of its characteristics are similar to Pre-Sixties Modern Architecture, which seeks to conserve the architectural heritage. However, the main difference between the two is that the aim of Pre-Sixties Modern Architecture was to utilize modern technology and materials.

A brief look at the past reveals many different styles of architecture that have come out of the myriad of possible inventions made possible by new times. A number of the most significant and influential architecture can be located in the buildings of the Persian Empire in India, and China. In fact, many buildings from the Chinese century can still be seen and tour in China today. Architectural styles in ancient architecture came about because of the local conditions of the people who built them, as well as the architectural preferences of the ruling dynasties who owned the land on which the buildings were built. New world architecture developed based on the architectural styles prevalent in the cities of European powers at the time.

Architecture in the New Times


Architecture in the New Times

Architecture is the artistic process and the product of constructing, designing, and planning buildings or other such structures. Architectural works, at the physical form of buildings, frequently are perceived as visual works and as representative pieces of art. A building is said to be ‘built’ when a systematic relationship is established between its form, content, role, and sequence of development and realization. Architectural forms are the output of architectural plans and designs, the result of which can be seen in a variety of ways – by way of architecture – such as architecture, construction, and design.

Architecture is also the study of the built environment, including landscapes, spaces, materials, heat and ventilation, lighting, structures, maintenance, comfort, and waste management. The application of science and technology in architecture also forms a large part of the discipline. Examples of areas of research in architecture include urban planning and design, home planning and design, construction documentation and conservation, public space planning and design, technical issues of building and land management, and historic preservation and restoration.

Although architecture is now a scientific discipline, the output remains subjective and sometimes controversial. In the new times, when people live in high-rises, skyscrapers and modular buildings, some architects find themselves accused of ignoring basic principles of design and planning. New urban planning methods and techniques such as town planning and housing growth are constantly being improved and evaluated. This has resulted in some good constructions, but this is also not an excuse for poor implementation.

What Is Luxury?

In economics, a luxury item is an item that is bought by households with an income that exceeds a minimum level of income and is usually bought with the anticipation that it will bring a higher income in the future. Luxury goods tend to be overpriced relative to similar goods in other categories, but they are typically overpriced because of demand. For example, an expensive couch would not be expected to sell in all cases, but it does if there is enough demand for it.


Luxury goods vary widely by definition. In economics, a luxury good refers to any good or service that is unusually expensive for the average person to afford, where the cost is normally associated with the social status of the owner or recipient. Economists usually term luxury goods as those that are perceived to be rare or exotic, rather than merely unique, and they include luxury brands and works of art. In many ways, luxury brands and exclusive art galleries seem to stem from a desire to differentiate one from the other. In recent years, however, more mainstream consumers have come to expect and appreciate luxury brands, and their high cost has fallen somewhat outside of the domain of the elite.

Luxury brands are also different in that they tend to be made by a privately held company, making them inherently unstable and uncertain. If a luxury brand is truly popular, its price can rise over time to the point where it becomes unprofitable for the private company to survive and the luxury brand may be sold at a huge loss to a new owner. A luxury brand with little or no marketability is not worth investing money in, especially for an investor who expects returns of less than 20% per year. Private companies usually take years to mature and reach a profit level that makes it practical for them to lose value in the long run when a luxury item loses value as a result of over-valuation.

Design Process Of Product Design


Design Process Of Product Design

A design is a blueprint or detailed specification of the arrangement or structure of something physical or sometimes both, or for the execution of some activity or procedure, or the outcome of that blueprint or detailed specification in the shape of a model, product or instance. The word ‘design’ as used in engineering is applied to denote the definite form of any type of creation, in comparison with the indefinite form of things like ‘disorder’, ‘discipline’ and ‘weariness’. The word ‘design’ as used in arts, is usually applied to denote the creative end or purpose of any work produced by human eyes and/or hand-eye coordination. In computer programming, the term design is used to denote the specific method of planning, constructing, managing, and operating (usually in a network) computers.

An architect is someone who gives the physical form of some objects to be made, either to be used by men or women as dwellings, works of art, machine, building etc. A geologist is someone who gives the shape or structure of the earth to be studied, interpreted, explored and found by people. Both of them use a scientific method of designing. They are involved in the science of design solution. The term product design solution refers to the process of product design, planning, building, handling, maintenance, selling and promotions of a particular product, especially designed for sale.

The designer’s job is to think of the best possible structure and combination of parts which will satisfy the user’s needs. They may have to overcome certain obstacles, such as economic ones, political, technological, sociological, environmental, and others. Designers are also involved in making systems user-friendly. In user-centered design process, the designer can play an important role in determining what should be built and how it will be used. They have to think of and fabricate a structure that will meet the needs of the majority of users.

Architectural Trades


Architectural Trades

Architectural engineering refers to the art and the science of designing, planning, and building structures or other physical objects. Architectural projects, in the broadest sense, are usually perceived as artistic works and as visual symbols. It is also known as the discipline of architecture as such. In architectural engineering, the basic operational concepts of a building or any physical structure are considered as the basic input material, which is then transformed into designs for specific purposes, such as heating, ventilation, lighting, etc.

In recent times architecture has become associated with high-tech industries, as buildings are now designed and built using computer software. This highly technical field involves the application of mathematics, chemistry, thermodynamics, computer engineering, etc., in order to design, build, operate, maintain, and dismantle various types of physical structures, such as buildings, monuments, bridges, sky scrapers, vehicle air conditioners, ships, and space shuttles. In addition, architects have to ensure that the designing process is economical, efficient, and environmental friendly. They use different forms of technologies for the purpose, such as computers, design software, laser systems, CAD/CAM software, and the like. Architects also use different styles of materials for the construction of the projects.

Industrial architecture, on the other hand, refers to the design and building of large buildings, sometimes with a dependence on the specific needs of the industry. In such cases, the architect has to coordinate with production managers and other employees who will be working in the factories or warehouses where the building will be located. The production managers will determine what type of materials, the buildings should be made of, such as steel, concrete, wood, glass, etc. Other factors involved in industrial architect jobs include the nature of the industry, such as the location, the climate, and the ethics of the people who will be working in the construction of the building. In the end, the architect is responsible for the satisfaction of his clients, the completion of the project on time, and for creating a structure that will last a lifetime.

Luxury Branding – Attracting Younger Consumers

In economics, a luxury item is an item that is purchased with high value in mind, usually because of its rarity or special quality, so when demand increases more than proportional to income, that spending on the item becomes a larger percentage of overall spending. Luxury goods tend to be collectibles. They can be art, clothing, antiques, coins, works of architecture, and many other types of collectibles. While some luxury items are more expensive than others, the items all tend to have high values on the market.


Luxury goods increase in price in relation to demand over time, and this price variation is called a premium. High income people tend to pay higher premiums for luxury items than do lower income individuals. As income increases, the premiums decrease, so too do the purchases of luxury items. When income decreases, then luxury items tend to increase in price, so they are a luxury item for those at the lower end of the economic scale. In economic theory, when income decreases, then the demand for luxury items declines, creating a premium on them.

As a result, consumers are willing to pay a premium for these luxury brands, whether the premium is justified by the demand. Luxury goods tend to be very popular with consumers, being seen as items that one needs, rather than a status symbol. Luxury brands appeal to a younger, more educated consumer who identifies with the images associated with them. This makes the luxury brand much more valuable to consumers, since they are seen as a true investment.

The Meaning of UI and UX


The Meaning of UI and UX

A design is simply a blueprint or description of an act or procedure, the outcome of which, in the most formal sense, is the production of some physical object or material, or the output of that production, in the most colloquial sense, the product of its creation. The word ‘design’ has several other meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. In the scientific community, design refers to the manipulation of physical systems, especially systems of complex interacting entities, such as systems of motors and airplanes. Design in this sense can also refer to the process by which an individual develops or assembles an original design or to the tools used to build a design.

Designers must adhere to certain specific design principles if they are to achieve successful product designs and user experiences. Design principles form the cornerstones of good UI / UX. UI or user experience is the psychology of a particular design application. This includes factors such as the emotional intelligence of the user, the psychological motivations behind choosing a certain design solution, and the ability of the designers to match the user’s needs with a design solution. Designers should also take into consideration the limitations of the platform, hardware, software, networks, and the constraints of the designers and the organization.

There are many definitions of UI and UX, but the most relevant one in this article is the three cornerstones of UI/UX: user experience, designer skill, and designer focus. A good user experience is determined by designers who create a user experience that matches the goals of the organization and satisfies the users needs. This means that there should not be a conflict between the designer and the client, and that the designer should not provide a solution for something that does not exist. The designer should also take into account the limitations of the platform, hardware, software, networks, and the constraints of the designers. Finally, it helps us to know that good UI/UX also refers to the extent of social interactivity and knowledge sharing that design solution offers.

Architectural Review As A Technique To Improve The Design And Planning Process

Architectural architecture is the combination of art and science. Architectural projects, at the simplest level, are usually perceived as artistic works and as manifestations of human creativity and ingenuity. Architectural works usually consist of the construction of residential buildings, skyscrapers, bridges, hotels, museums, etc. However, other than these basic projects, the scope of architectural design and planning extends far beyond the ordinary projects. Architectural research and its application are the basis of any architect’s professional life.


Architectural designing starts with the determination of a basic project scope. This project scope generally includes the budget, the technical considerations, the location of the proposed site for the proposed buildings and the land required for such buildings. It also involves the number of employees to be employed to perform the work, the feasibility of the construction process for each specific building and whether or not the proposed project can meet the projected deadlines. Other pertinent considerations have to be addressed as well, including determining the functionality of the buildings and the land itself, and finally, determining the style of the planned buildings and the way in which they will be designed and built.

Architectural designing is done according to the guidelines provided by the client in terms of the type of structure, the number of rooms, the number of bathrooms, the number of beds, etc., that the buildings will have. These guidelines may be specified by the client themselves, or they may be suggested by an architectural consultant. The consultant, who will be involved in the whole project from conception to completion, takes into consideration all the pertinent factors. He will make sure that the project meets the deadlines set by the client and that it is aesthetically pleasing. When it comes to designing and building large buildings and structures, architects depend on an architectural review to help them build sustainable and energy efficient buildings.

Why Luxury Branding Is Good For Business

Luxury items tend to be the objects of desire for many people, and their value derives both from their perceived utility, i.e. They’re expected to provide enjoyment or pleasure, and from the inherent value they hold for the purchaser. In economics, a luxury commodity is usually a good whose sale increases more than proportional to the increase in disposable income, so that expenses on the commodity become a larger proportion of overall sales. This means that the goods and services enjoyed by the wealthy will more than offset any additional expenses incurred by them and allow the wealthy person to buy more things, which increases their net worth.


Common examples of luxury items include expensive wines, clothing, art collections, art and antique pieces, and certain types of machinery. In rare instances, luxury items can also be food, because certain foods can be expensive, rare, or otherwise debatable; hence their purchase becomes less important when the income level is small. One of the most common reasons for the acquisition of luxury items is status; connoisseurs of fine art, and the like, desire to have these objects not only for their aesthetic beauty but because they represent a social position. The acquisition of luxury items usually represents an investment in one’s social and economic value, which can only be positive. Luxury items are always considered to be more valuable than things that are not highly expensive, because they tend to last longer, make more money, and offer more pleasure than other less expensive goods and services.

In addition, consumers tend to perceive brands associated with luxury as more trustworthy and reliable than brands not associated with luxury. Luxury brands are also easier to identify and, because of the larger size of the brand, are easier to establish in the marketplace. This allows the luxury brand to claim a significant share of the total market, thus creating greater profit and employment opportunities for the company. Finally, consumers tend to associate more strongly with luxury brands than non-luxury ones, and are willing to spend more money and longer on them, if they feel that the price reflects the perceived value of the product.

Design Thinking


Design Thinking

A design is a blueprint or specifications for the construction or implementation of an entity or system, or even for the experimental implementation of some act or procedure, or the outcome of this blueprint or specification in the actual form of some manufactured object, apparatus or service. The word ‘design’ is derived from the Latin ‘dieta’, meaning ‘doing’. So, design is the putting together of elements to form some output of some purpose or intended action. Thus the term ‘design’ is used to designate the resultant of putting together various parts or components. In engineering, design refers to the systematic organization of the processes of production as it relates to the design of the technical apparatus or construction involved.

Designers have a special relationship with the object they are designing, with its owner, the user, and with the processes they must go through before it is actually produced. Designers are subject to a wide range of social and psychological pressures, including the necessity to justify their ideas and to overcome the objections of others. Although the word design usually indicates a physical process rather than an idea, in fact it is made up from the combining of many different words and it therefore includes a great variety of disciplines. Designing involves the thinking of how an item may be used, what it should look like, how it should feel to the user, and what it should be capable of doing. Designers are continually confronted with the problem of providing solutions to these questions and they usually try to solve problems by means of various different techniques, methods, and means.

Designing is not a simple matter because it involves the selection of materials, shapes, sizes, orientations, sizes, and other factors. A successful design will incorporate the use of information science, psychology, and technology in order to maximize effectiveness and minimize waste. Designers have been successful in using such disciplines as mathematics, art, business people, and other types of experts who possess different specialties. Designing is an ever-evolving field, and as technology develops, so too do the approaches involved in designing.

What Is Architecture?

Architecture is the creative process and the output of designing, planning, and building structures or other architectural structures. Architectural works, from the simplest material form such as houses, to the most intricate works like skyscrapers, are regarded as artistic works and as cultural icons. Architectural works have been the subject of numerous controversies since the inception of the art form itself, and these controversies have been rooted in and attributed to religious intolerance, ethnic rivalries, political power, and religious beliefs. In modern times, however, Architectural styles are usually produced by professional architects who adhere to a strict code of ethics that guide their professional actions.

In the twentieth century, with the Second World War erupting and Europe’s remaining intact, there was an influx of architects from all over the world to take advantage of the post-war reconstruction boom. As these industrial architects left the cities for places outside of Europe, a new genre of architecture called “Aesthetic” architecture was born. This style of architecture emphasized the use of beautiful materials and structures which were representative of beauty. The stylized and exaggerated proportions of the “Aesthetic” architecture bore a lot of resemblance to works of architecture during the Renaissance, though they differ primarily in their lack of attention to accuracy.

There has been a recent trend, however, where the buildings designed by industrial architects can be considered as art in themselves. An increasing number of commercial buildings are being designed and constructed as art forms. Commercial architecture is credited to the likes of Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, and the likes of Koolhaas, de Gris, Zaha Hadid, and Coop Himmelb(I) as. This tendency is further fueled by the fact that many famous landmarks in the world such as the Eiffel Tower and the Chateaus des Beaux-arts are in fact buildings which were designed and built by commercial architects. These buildings represent works of architecture that have been commercialized, and therefore are given artistic value far beyond their practical functionality.

Luxury Branding – How it Gives Consumers a Feeling of High status


Luxury Branding – How it Gives Consumers a Feeling of High status

Luxury goods are those products that people cannot afford to buy every day. This includes luxury items like jewelry, automobiles, boats, planes, yachts and luxury houses. In economics, a luxury item is a good whose demand increases proportionally to income, so that expenses on the item grow proportionally to overall income, so that increases in income make expenses on the item go up proportionally to overall income. Luxury goods, like cars, boats and airplanes, can be made with a design to allow them to last for a long time, with minimal maintenance costs. Whereas mass-produced luxury items are designed with low cost but inferior materials, luxury items tend to be made using high quality materials from good suppliers and with careful design so that they last relatively short periods of time, with relatively low maintenance costs.

Luxury goods are popular mainly because they tend to match consumer taste better than other kinds of consumer goods do. Luxury goods can be more difficult to manufacture because of their particular qualities; they are not very easy to mass produce. But because of the popularity and the inherent quality, luxury brands are able to charge higher prices than most other brands, which in turn brings higher profits for the manufacturers of luxury brands.

Luxury goods are also popular because they create a feeling of affluence and superiority for buyers. Luxury brands like Louis Vuitton and BMW are perceived as very fashionable, while brands like Nintendo and LG stay popular because they give young consumers the message that they can be like their favorite Hollywood stars by buying these brands. The perception that luxury brands give to consumers makes their products even more valuable to consumers, thus making the brands even more lucrative in terms of investment. In addition, higher profit margins allow luxury brands to offer better discounts to consumers, thereby allowing them to increase their market share even further.

Computer Software Designing

A design is usually a blueprint or schematisation of an object, structure or system and/or for the practical execution of an act or process or the end result of this blueprint or schematisation in the form of a physical product, model or implement. The word ‘design’ is derived from the Greek word dystos which means to shape or form. The verb to design normally expresses the procedure of actually creating a design by some process or exercising some control over the creation. It therefore implies management and design and control


Designing through the application of various computer software tools and techniques, involves modeling through simulation and optimization, and the creation or construction of a suitable model from initial data. Designing is done for specific purposes related to technology transfer, commercial viability, interaction, communication, education and for making the product readily available to multiple types of users. Designing is normally done by designers in a team atmosphere.

Designers use a variety of techniques and strategies to develop products according to their requirements and in line with the specifications provided by the end users. There are two broad approaches to interface design; a ux design and a design. The ux approach focuses on visual aspects of the interaction rather than taking into account non-visual aspects such as tactile, audio, manual and user interface controls. The up approach, on the other hand, takes into account the non-visual aspects of interaction. Both ux and design methods have proven to be very successful in developing effective and efficient interactive systems and products for numerous businesses and industries.

Architecture – An Introduction


Architecture – An Introduction

Architectural architecture is the product and the process of designing, planning, and building different structures or buildings. Architectural projects, in the conventional material form such as buildings, can be perceived as artistic works and as visual symbols. Architecture is used to refer to the result of a planning process, which may take the form of an architect’s plan to design and construct a building or a structure. Architectural works usually incorporate technical aspects such as water efficiency, lighting, insulation, durability, aesthetics, safety, functionality, and maintenance.

In general, architectural review is a critical assessment of a project’s feasibility, buildings, technical specifications, environmental impacts, and construction costs. It helps in determining whether an architectural plan is able to meet the project’s objectives. It is done through the collective assessment of the needs, wants, and interests of the homeowners, stakeholders, and society at large. In addition, this review helps to determine if the selected building or structure can meet the desired standards of quality, safety, energy efficiency, sustainability, and reliability. Reviews for residential and commercial buildings are usually required by regulatory agencies and by local municipalities as a condition of financing.

The field of architecture was introduced in the 12th century by Mehmet, who developed the science of architecture. Since then, it has become an essential part of the developmental process of new constructions and cities. Architecture plays a key role in making cities attractive and functional. With its contribution to the design of new buildings and structures, architecture plays a critical role in providing a favorable environment for living.

What Are Luxuries?

Luxury items are items perceived to have a high monetary value. In economics, a luxury good would be a good that increases in price proportionately to income, so that expenses on the item become a higher proportion of overall personal spending. Economists define luxury as a good whose price increases with income-that is, it is a product or service of growing wealth. Luxury goods tend to generate high profits for their owners; hence, they tend to generate low prices or rents.


Luxury goods can be divided into two broad categories: normal goods that are not traded on the market and luxury goods that are traded on the market. The luxuries included in this category include jewelry, works of art, antiques, furniture, wines, automobiles, and other durable personal property. Normally, in a growing country, luxury goods may comprise a large part of total personal income. In emerging countries, luxury goods may account for a small percentage of total income.

Luxury items tend to be traded on international markets, although some luxury goods trade between countries rather than within them. Major global markets for luxury goods include the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, the United States, Australia, Canada, Europe, and Switzerland. Major world export destinations for luxury goods include France, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Switzerland. Major importations sources for luxury goods include China (products such as pentedades, jade, lacquer, and stone), India, Mexico, Thailand, the Philippines, and the United Arab Emirates.

Different Art Forms Within Design


Different Art Forms Within Design

Design is one of the three major branches of arts, which is commonly known as the visual arts. A design is a definite blueprint or map for the construction or realization of a thing or system, or even the resultant of that blueprint or map in the form of some manufactured object, model or process. The verb to design normally indicates the procedure of developing a design by applying techniques such as drafting, drawing, photography and so on. Some designers use computer-assisted design (CAD) programs to develop designs.

Designers can be grouped into two broad categories according to the medium they work with: the digital designers who work with computer-based software, and the traditional artists who work with the older media such as painting, lithography, and the like. The difference between the two is that the modern designer mostly works with digital media while the traditional artist mostly works on the old media. The art forms in which designers perform include architecture, decorative arts, interior design, pop art, fine arts, multimedia arts, website design, costume design, performance studies, computer graphics, photographic art, literature and so on. Modern technology has made possible many new art forms such as augmented reality, web 2.0, 3D printing and so on.

App design belongs to another category of designers including the web designers who are involved in creating digital products or digital applications. They usually create applications for mobile devices such as smart phones, lap top computers, tablet computers and PDAs. A web designer is more concerned with the content or layout of a website than he is with its appearance. Web graphic design works include such things as illustrations, photos, images, animations, charts, diagrams and so on.

New Times for Architectural Design and Style


New Times for Architectural Design and Style

Architectural architecture is the artistic process and the output of designing, planning, and building new structures. Architectural projects, in the conventional sense of the term, are usually perceived as manifestations of social works and as public works. The planning and execution of architectural projects include the selection of materials, the allocation of space, a structure’s specification, the architectural details of engineering systems and construction methods, and the construction itself. Architectural services are categorized into different types and disciplines. These include building and construction design; landscape architecture; construction engineering; sustainable architecture; and building maintenance and safety.

In the new times, architecture has developed and diversified into many different fields. A few of these fields are applied sciences and technologies, information technology, and applied research in architecture and structural design. There have also been advancements in communication and computer science for the design and management of structures.

Architecture can be visualized as the arrangement of objects to create the most useful and functional building or structure. It is the arrangement of the materials to build or structure by coordinating physical and logical elements such as position, size, function, attractiveness, security, and cost. This coordination is achieved by the application of knowledge, skill, and talent into the designing and implementation of complex systems that meet the requirements of the users. Architectural discipline is concerned with the planning and designing of complex buildings or structures using advanced tools and theories. Architectural services involve the basic elements of layout, construction, operation, maintenance, protection, and safety of human beings and other organisms. With the changing times, the demand for architects is on the rise.

What Are Luxury Goods?


What Are Luxury Goods?

Luxury goods are those goods that are perceived to have high market values and/or are perceived to be rare, special and therefore ‘elite’. In economics, a luxury commodity is a good whose demand increases more rapidly than proportionately to income, so that fixed expenses on the good become a higher proportion of income. Luxury goods, unlike ‘rivalry goods’, do not lose value with increase of income, so an investment in luxury is potentially less risky than an equivalent investment in ‘rivalry goods’. As they are desired because of their quality or rarity, luxury goods are usually held by higher-end consumers, rather than mass markets.

The term luxury can apply to any good that is perceived to have increased income, whether it increases because of improvements in technology, consumer tastes, improved infrastructure, improved distribution systems or some other factor. Luxury goods are also usually perceived to be very exclusive – something that is not available to everyone else. Luxury goods tend to be in short supply because they tend to be produced in small quantities, with careful planning and marketing. This means that very often, luxury items are already in use by someone else: the retailer may simply choose not to sell to an individual, because doing so would mean a loss to the retailer. Very rarely will a luxury item be intentionally scarce, with the aim being to drive the price up to its inflated value (a process sometimes known as ‘cashing in’)

Graphic Design Thinks – Types and Features

A design is actually a blueprint or description of an arrangement or structure or for the implementations of some specific act or procedure, or the outcome of that blueprint or description in the shape of some physical product, machine or process. Thus, the verb to design normally refers to the process of designing. It may also mean the act of drawing up or preparing a design, etc., or the combination of the two. Designing refers to the process or act of establishing the practical details or formulating a model or pattern for something. Thus, the verb is usually used in a more generalized sense and refers to the determination of the logical order of actions required for a certain end or objective.


It is not an easy task to describe what a good design really is. It differs from one person to another, organization to another, field to field, culture to culture, technology to technology, etc. However, many general observations can be made which are applicable to all kinds of designs, and even to all kinds of people who use them as they apply to the creative process. To better illustrate the differences between good design and bad, let us take some examples.

Good design thinking starts with the knowledge of types and features that can be useful. It looks for the ways in which these types and features can be utilized to achieve the best results. Good design also considers how people interact and adapt to their environment. It applies concepts like the three-dimensional human figure and the perspective. The main idea is that people are visual beings and need to see things around them, both near and far, in three dimensions. Design thinking is very important in industrial design and graphic design because these are two different types of work processes and involve different methods of expressing and constructing information.

The Philosophy of Architecture

Architecture is the product and the process of designing, planning, and building structures or other physical structures. Architectural projects, in the most common material form of houses, are traditionally perceived to be works of architecture and as artistic works. As social indicators, the term architecture has been widely applied to both individual architectural creations and institutional architectural designs for housing purposes. In the modern era of the twenty-first century, however, architecture has become a more generic term encompassing a wide variety of artistic styles, techniques, and technologies.


The discipline of architecture can best be seen as a branch of science that has grown out of other disciplines such as engineering, mathematics, and chemistry. Architecture is an important art form in the history of art, because architecture gives us the means to view and appreciate great buildings from a distance. Architects must not only be experts in their own field, but must also be skilled communicators in order to design buildings that will withstand the test of time again. The use of modern technology has made it possible for architects to create extremely intricate buildings even on a small scale. The complexity of modern buildings is largely due to the creativity and technological know-how of the architects involved.

As with all the other fields of architecture, knowledge of architectural theory is necessary in order to build the buildings that will be used by all citizens in a society. Modern architecture theory, as understood by the majority of architects today, consists of a number of different concepts that combine the practical needs of the public with artistic desires. The use of space is a crucial factor in the design of any building, and architecture must take this into consideration when designing buildings. The landscape of a city is also of vital importance to the people who live there. Landscapes must allow for easy pedestrian movement within the city, as well as provide convenient parking for those who may need to use public transportation.

Why Luxury Branding Is So Valuable

In economics, a luxury commodity is a good that increases in value more than proportionately to income, so that expenses on the luxury good become a smaller percentage of overall income. Examples of luxury goods include cars, computers, holidays, and designer clothing. The prices of luxury goods tend to rise faster than most other commodities. Luxury goods have a distinct position in markets, with demand usually exceeding supply, creating an environment that is favorable for luxury goods to gain market dominance.


The perception of value of luxury brands has a direct relationship with their price point. A brand’s perceived value is based on how much consumers perceive it to be. If consumers believe that the brand has a quality that is not matched by any other in the market, they will be willing to pay a premium price. Conversely, if they believe that the brand is of poor quality but it is in high demand, the demand will result in the product being sold at a lower price than competitors are offered. Therefore, understanding consumer perceptions is a valuable asset for luxury brands looking to increase sales.

For luxury brands looking to expand into new markets, understanding consumer perceptions of these brands is critical in creating a successful expansion strategy. Luxury brands must also be willing to develop new markets to tap into, or risk their reputation being left behind by the traditional, highly regarded brands in their field. The current trend of consumers moving more towards small, niche manufacturers creates an opening for these brands in an ever-expanding marketplace.

Shopify Developer – How to Design a Shopify Store

A design is actually a drawing or a blueprint of some object or system or even for the performance of an action or procedure, or the outcome of which blueprint or model is to be implemented. The word “design” also implies the ability to design and is often used to mean “implement” or “improve.” The verb to design also suggests the process of producing a design by combining actual information with a set of idea or conception. In this sense, the design could also refer to “establishing a principle or standard.”


In IT, a design system is a group of tools and techniques developed to provide users or a user group with a means of visualizing design models and generating feedback for improvement. The term “design system” could also mean “set of tools” or “set of techniques.” The use of such tools and techniques to develop design systems has had a significant impact on quality management in software development activities. With the advent of computer-assisted design (CAD) and other technologies, the need for a designer in a broad spectrum of disciplines from systems analysis to architectural drafting and landscape architecture, has increased significantly.

A jina anne is a web store for independent retailers based on the concept that customers store brand preferences online and can order without having to leave their homes. This type of e-commerce website enables customers to browse and compare hundreds of brands of everything from household cleaners to bedding. As a result, many independent shops are now able to reach a wider consumer base through online shopping. The Shopify developers teamed up with SEO Sydney to help build the brand using the following design systems: Shopify Design System Pro, Shopify Build Engine, Shopify CMS and Shopify Mobile to increase customer satisfaction and increase conversion rates.

The Role of Architectural Review in Conservation Planning

Architectural design is the act and the creation of building, designing, and building structures or other structures. Architectural projects, in the main form of residential buildings, are generally perceived to be artistic works and as visual representations. The purpose of this article is to try and bring the architect’s work closer to the public eye, in order to raise awareness and understanding of its conservation and preservation processes. It is my hope that this article will serve as a platform for future architectural discussions and debates on the future of architecture. Let’s begin!


Many people feel that the primary purpose of architecture is the construction of buildings. However, what many people may not realize is that the vast majority of architecture today is non-structural. Buildings include housing, public spaces, parks, museums, monuments, and even man-made trees. Non-structural architecture includes sky scrapers, gardens, parks, roads and sewers. A more detailed classification would include dams, airports, bridges, storage facilities, schools, residential complexes, office buildings, businesses, retaining walls, fire stations, and hospitals.

Architectural critics and practitioners are continuously striving to bring art and science to the general public through their creative architecture. In the new times of architecture and building, the client may not always be an individual; instead, architecture is increasingly being hired and commissioned as an aesthetic component of a building’s design. Architects are tasked with determining what types of artwork will compliment a structure, while also meeting all the building’s codes. The architect’s design is a representation of the client’s idea of beauty, while the building is a living breathing work of art that the architects care about because they built it.

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