A design is usually a blueprint or schematisation of an object, structure or system and/or for the practical execution of an act or process or the end result of this blueprint or schematisation in the form of a physical product, model or implement. The word ‘design’ is derived from the Greek word dystos which means to shape or form. The verb to design normally expresses the procedure of actually creating a design by some process or exercising some control over the creation. It therefore implies management and design and control
Designing through the application of various computer software tools and techniques, involves modeling through simulation and optimization, and the creation or construction of a suitable model from initial data. Designing is done for specific purposes related to technology transfer, commercial viability, interaction, communication, education and for making the product readily available to multiple types of users. Designing is normally done by designers in a team atmosphere.
Designers use a variety of techniques and strategies to develop products according to their requirements and in line with the specifications provided by the end users. There are two broad approaches to interface design; a ux design and a design. The ux approach focuses on visual aspects of the interaction rather than taking into account non-visual aspects such as tactile, audio, manual and user interface controls. The up approach, on the other hand, takes into account the non-visual aspects of interaction. Both ux and design methods have proven to be very successful in developing effective and efficient interactive systems and products for numerous businesses and industries.