Architecture – The Era of the Futurist

Arch Architecture, architectural designing, and building construction are the result of careful planning, designing, and building the creation of buildings or other structures with the help of an architect engineer. Architectural projects, at the fundamental level, are usually perceived as works of art and as visual symbols. Architectural forms have evolved to such a degree that nowadays, when we speak about ‘architectural architecture’, we refer to buildings and urban structures that are produced by an architect.


The main thesis underlying this article is that the main reason behind Architectural architecture, whether modern, classical or postmodern, is to create spaces which can be perceived and appreciated by the human senses. We cannot deny the fact that architecture has played a very important role in shaping our modern culture, but what we should also be aware of is that architectural forms and designs have evolved due to changes in technological progress. It is quite true that certain ‘modernisms’, like cubicles for instance, paved the way for the other architectural innovations that followed. However, it must be said that there was a major rupture in the architectural field, when the industrial revolution broke the back of the architecture and therefore, the field was left behind in the infancy of the new technological age, when most of the important inventions were developed in the fields of science and medicine.

Modern architects consider their work to be the result of aesthetic tastes, without considering the social, political or ecological aspects of the buildings or urban structures. This is one of the key issues that separated the different branches of architectural study. In this new era of architecture, aesthetics has become almost worthless, because modern architecture has disregarded the role of form in building construction. In fact, modern architects prefer to emphasize the ‘mechanical’ part of architecture, forgetting the importance of form in building design. This approach towards architecture is characterized by extreme reduction of the human element in architecture, while forgetting or ignoring the aesthetic qualities. Despite the fact that there have been several periods and eras in history when architecture was primarily concerned with form, the main factor responsible for the modern transformations of architecture is the influence of the modernism, which dominates in the arts today.